Author. Reader. Creative.

The Importance of Reviews

You ever take a class where you have multiple assignments throughout the semester, which you always turn in on time, but never get any feedback on?

Just imagine you have five assignments and throughout the entire semester you’ve been thinking you are doing good, great even, but at the end of the semester you get a F.

Your professor doesn’t even give you an explanation as to why. Just a big, fat, bold F sitting on your transcripts now.

I imagine that’s how authors feel when they don’t get reviews, but keep pumping out books. By the third or fourth book, they are probably wondering why it isn’t selling or people are leaving poor ratings and no review.

A review is the constructive criticism people need to improve in basically everything they do. In most jobs, there are reviews for raises. In school the grade a student gets back on an assignment, with a small passage of what was good or bad, helps them to get better for the next assignment.

For authors, a review and a rating help them know what they are doing right or wrong. If people love how they are writing a particular book, then they are probably on a solid writing style and can stick with it as they continue to develop. If people are not fond of their writing, then they can figure out what it is that people aren’t catching onto and learn to improve their craft from the reviews they receive.

Yeah negative reviews suck, but if it’s honest and constructive not harmful and attacking then it can help an author.

I didn’t realize how much indie authors in particular can learn and develop based on the reviews they receive. It helps not only grow their readership, but also their writing skill for future novels.

So as both a reader and an author I just want you all to know, reviews are important. They help other readers find books to read and teach authors what readers are looking for or enjoying in the stories they absorb.

4 responses to “The Importance of Reviews”

  1. Laurie Avatar

    I try to give reviews but, I’ve only been able to one. I can’t seem to find an access to do so.

    1. raeshawn Avatar

      I’ve noticed that almost every book I’ve bought is on GoodReads. It’s where many readers and authors go to find out about a book. The other places to find a spot to review are on the sites where the book was purchased; Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc. I believe some small bookstores also have a method for leaving reviews. I usually go to GoodReads, though.

  2. Kriti Avatar

    Absolutely agreed! I wish we had a better way to get feedback on blog posts since most people don’t comment and a like doesn’t do much.

    As a published writer, it is important to remember that reviews are for the new prospective readers. There are opportunities for authors to learn from those reviews, especially if certain things are repeated and this isn’t limited to writing. I read a book that was written in italic comic sans and many bloggers during the blog tour commented about that.

    1. raeshawn Avatar

      Yes, I agree. Stylistic elements are just as important as the writing material itself. If a book is hard to read because of font, size or something else, it’s just as bad as if it has spelling, syntax or grammatical errors